

  应IEEE WIE Harbin Chapter 主席、哈工大电信学院贾敏副教授邀请IEEE Fellow新南威尔士大学的张伟教授将于2019年1月12日来1xbet 코리아进行访问讲学和交流研讨,并将于哈工大科学园2A栋1013会议室进行学术讲座和座谈,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。

讲学题目1: Huffman Coded Modulation for MIMO




Massive MIMO has been considered as a promising PHY technical solution for 5G cellular networks. Antenna switch enables multiple antennas to share a common RF chain. It also offers an additional spatial dimension, i.e., antenna index, which can be utilized for data transmission via both signal space and spatial dimension. In this talk, a Huffman coding based adaptive spatial modulation will be presented that generalizes both conventional spatial modulation and transmit antenna selection. Through Huffman coding, the transmit antennas can be activated with different probabilities. Numerical results show that the proposed Huffman coded spatial modulation offers considerable performance gains over conventional spatial modulation or transmit antenna selection.

讲学题目2:  Millimeter Communications for UAV Systems

讲学时间:2019.01.12 下午15:30-17:00



With the growing demand of real-time communications in anywhere for anyone, UAV communications has been developed, as the UAV can be simply deployed in cities, remote areas, over the seas, etc. To support the high bandwidth requests for UAV communications, millimeter wave band is considered as a promising candidate. This talk will overview some research challenges and opportunities in developing mmWave communications for UAVs, including channel modeling, beam training and tracking, dynamic routing and mmWave cellular technology.

讲学题目3:  Multi-panel MIMO in 5G

讲学时间:2019.01.12 下午17:00-18:30



Massive MIMO is one of the key enabling technologies in 5G wireless communications. A large number of antenna elements bring extra degrees of freedom for increasing the throughput and considerable beamforming gains for improving the coverage. In practice, a large number of antenna elements can be assembled into multiple antenna panels for the purpose of cost reduction and power saving. Multi-panel MIMO is expected to become promising for millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems. This article gives an overview of multi-panel MIMO systems, including downlink, uplink, and non-coherent transmissions, and discuss research challenges and future directions of multi-panel MIMO. We also propose new multi-panel codebook design and corresponding CSI feedback design for 5G systems as well as non-coherent MIMO transmission.


  张伟教授于2005年香港中文大学电子工程专业获得其博士学位。目前是澳大利亚新南威尔士大学电气工程与电子信息学院的教授。他目前的研究兴趣包括大规模MIMO,空间信息网络和无人机通信。他是IEEE无线通信快报的主编IEEE通信学会亚太区董事会副主任和IEEE无线通信技术委员会副主席。同时IEEE车辆技术协会IEEE院士评估委员会的成员IEEE通信协会理事会成员,也是IEEE FellowIET Fellow.