

  应IEEE WIE Harbin Chapter 主席、哈工大电信学院贾敏副教授邀请,无线通信领域专家、内布拉斯加林肯大学电子和计算机工程系终身教授, IEEE Fellow——钱毅教授将于2019年1月15日来1xbet 코리아进行访问讲学和交流研讨,并将于科学园2A栋1013会议室进行学术讲座和座谈,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。 

讲学题目1: 5G and Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Communication Networks

讲学时间:2019.01.15上午 9:00-10:30



5G wireless networks are expected to support extremely high data rates and radically new applications, as well as extensively wide coverage. Although the terrestrial cellular networks have dominated the mobile users from 3G to 4G, the gap between the demand and supply is becoming more and more prominent. Satellite network is an ideal solution to address such a dilemma. While the terrestrial networks can achieve high-speed data services at low cost, satellite based access is one way to complement terrestrial based networks to ensure ubiquitous, 100% geographic coverage. Satellite communication networks are emerging in recent years, which are able to provide super wide coverage and high capacity. Therefore, the integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Communication networks (TSC) is a quite promising solution for future 5G networks. In this talk, we discuss a range of technical issues in TSC, from spectrum sharing to multiple access resource allocations, as well as an overview some of the most recent systems.  


讲学题目2:  Recent Advances and Challenges in Security for 5G Systems

讲学时间:2019.01.15上午 10:45-12:15



Wireless communication technologies are ubiquitous nowadays. Most of the smart devices have Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connections. These technologies have been developed for many years, nonetheless they are still being enhanced. More development can be expected in the next 5 years, such as faster transmission data rate, more efficient spectrum usage, lower power consumption, etc. Similarly, cellular networks have been evolved for several generations. For example, GSM as part of 2G family, UMTS as part of the 3G family, and LTE as part of 4G family. In the next few years, 5G cellular network systems will continue the evolution to keep up with the fast-growing needs of customers. Secure wireless communications will certainly be part of other advances in the industry such as multimedia streaming, data storage and sharing in clouds, mobile cloud computing services, etc. This talk covers the topics on security for next generation wireless networks, with focusing on 5G wireless network systems, followed by a discussion on the challenges and open research issues in the area.


讲学题目3:  Physical-Social-Aware D2D Content Sharing Networks: A Provider-Demander Matching Game

讲学时间:2019.01.15 下午14:30-16:00



Device-to-device content sharing is widely considered as an effective response to the prevalence of multimedia content sharing and local services. To ensure its advantages, how to optimally match potential providers to demanders of contents is of importance, especially considering the randomness of content location, as well as the coexistence of altruistic, selfish, and even malicious user behaviors. Accordingly, for such a matching process, it is advisable to achieve a win-win solution, rather than sacrificing performance of either potential providers or demanders. In this work, we employ the weighted directed graph theory to model the two-sided physical-social-aware preferences, which jointly exploit the physical and social networking characteristics of both sides. Then, we study the two-sided physical-social-aware matching problem, which essentially involves the joint issue of pairing scheduling and power control with respect to potential providers and demanders. To solve it in a tractable manner, the former is cast as a two-sided one-to-one matching game, in which the potential providers and demanders rank one another by using the proposed preferences, and the latter is transformed into the preference profile establishment of this matching game. Finally, a distributed algorithm based on the Dinkelbach iteration and deferred acceptance approaches is developed. The properties of the resulting stable outcomes are then studied, and the simulation results verify the availability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.



      钱毅教授在克莱姆森大学电气工程专业获得博士学位, IEEE Fellow。现任内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(UNL)电气与计算机工程系的教授(终身教授)。在加入UNL之前,他曾在电信行业,学术界和政府部门工作。他担任北电网络科技人员和技术顾问的高级成员,几家初创公司的高级系统工程师和技术顾问,以及位于马亚圭斯的波多黎各大学的助理教授国家标准与技术研究所的高级研究员。他的研究兴趣包括信息保障和网络安全网络设计网络建模下一代无线网络的仿真和性能分析无线ad-hoc和传感器网络车载网络智能电网通信网络宽带卫星网络光网络、高速网络和互联网。钱毅教授于2014年1月1日至2015年12月31日担任IEEE通信学会通信与信息安全技术委员会主席。他是IEEE国际通信大会(ICC)2018年技术项目主席。多家国际期刊和杂志的编辑委员会任职,包括IEEE无线通信杂志的主编。同时IEEE车载技术协会和IEEE通信协会的杰出讲师。